
Showing posts from 2014

Key of Sucess

1. Be progressive . Success typically does not happen overnight. It is the product of time and effort. 2. Be clear. To make the right moves, we must first know what we aim to achieve. Do you want to be a market leader or a specialist high-value niche player? The direction you set will ultimately determine the moves you make. 3. Be passionate. An essential feature of making the right moves is doing or being that which you love! A deep-rooted passion for what we do encourages us on the path of knowledge, experience and success. 4. Be courageous. The path of innovation veers sharply from the path of convention! Making the right moves will require the courage to break free from the pack (and your closest competitors), perhaps going it alone. You must be fearless at times to make headway in your business. 5. Be perceptive . The greatest entrepreneurs are in tune with their world. They have developed rich mental models of the markets in which they operate an...

Solar Panel

Solar cell (also called a photovoltaic cell) is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. It is a form of photoelectric cell (in that its electrical characteristics—e.g. current, voltage, or resistance—vary when light is incident upon it) which, when exposed to light, can generate and support an electric current without being attached to any external voltage source, but do require an external load for power consumption. Photovoltaic comes from the Greek meaning "light", and from "volt", the unit of electro-motive force, the volt, which in turn comes from the last name of the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta, inventor of the battery. A solar panel, or module, is a series of interconnected silicon cells joined together to form a circuit. In greater numbers the amount of power produced by these interconnected cells can be increased and used as an electricity production system.Solar pan...

8x8 LED Matrix

Introduction This product is a serially driven 8x8 LED Matrix kit powered by MAX7219. It only needs three data lines and two power lines. The 8x8 LED Matrix is easy to use and compatible with Arduino, and its LED brightness adjustment can be implemented in software. 8x8 LED Matrix kit has many applications in real life, such as various types of electronic display panels. If the LED matrix is not driven by any peripherals, it’ll waste the interface of devices, and the LED brightness will be impaired due to insufficient power, so that we cannot get ideal display effect. The LED matrix can be driven in two ways: parallel or serial. We usually drive it in the serial manner in order to save interface. The serial-driven LED matrix actually dynamically displays the LEDs, i.e., displays the LEDs row-by-row or column-by-column. The persistence of vision for humans is about 0.1s, so as long as we can serially display all 8 rows/columns within 0.1s, we’ll see a complete characte...