Wireless Charging of Mobile Phones using Microwaves

-Recharging a battery is problem for us.especially for those country like Nepal were the load-shedding occur.-Wireless charging can be a good invention for the all cell phone users.-The main objectives of this project is to make recharging of mobile phone independent of the manufacture and battery make.-In the mobile phone we are just going to add sensor,a Rectenna and a filter.-With these above component the charger for mobile phone is eliminated.Thus the more you talk, the more is your mobile phone charged!!!!!!! -Microwaves are good for transmitting information from one place to another because microwave energy can penetrate haze, light rain and snow, clouds, and smoke.Shorter microwaves are used in remote sensing. These microwaves are used for radar like the Doppler radar used in weather forecasts.

How does it works?????

-It consist of Magnetron.
-It is a is a high-powered vacuum tube that generates microwaves using the interaction of a stream of electrons with a magnetic field. 
-Magnetron is used to produce high-power output required in radar and communications equipment 
-Microwaves used in mobile communication are also produced by similar Oscillators  

-It consist of Rectenna
-Rectenna is the combination of Rectifier and Antenna.
-Antenna is to receive the microwave signal and it just feed the signal to    rectifier.
-Rectifier is to convert the AC signal to PULSATING DC signal.
-A simple rectenna can be constructed from a schottky diode placed between antenna dipoles.
-The diode rectifies the current induced in the antenna by the microwaves. 
-Rectenna are highly efficient at converting microwave energy to electricity. In laboratory environments, efficiencies above 90% have been observed with regularity.


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