Introduction: It is a IC chip used in vareity of timer,pulse generation and oscillator application. It is one of the cheapest and most rugged chip in the market. It is used to provide accurate and highly stable time delays or an oscillation. It is in widespread use due it's ease of use,low price and stability. It was estimated that 1 billion units are manufactured every year. Depending upon the manufacture the standard 555 package include 25 transistors,2 diodes and 15 resistors on a silicon chip installed in 8-pin mini dual-in-line package(DIP-8). The circuitary inside the chip takes about 10MA even if the o/p is not driving the load i.e it is not suitable for battery operation if the chip is to be powered all the time. This timer bascially operates in one of the two modes either as an Monostable(one shot)or an astable. The chip producing output frequency 1 cycle per second i.e 1HZ is called Oscillator.but below 1HZ is called Timer. The specification of 555 timer is...
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